About Dominican Institute for the Arts
Board Members - Contact information
We have overwhelmingly expressed the Dominican nature of DIA in sharing the fruits of contemplation moving the mission of the holy preaching forward with the Order. We are more than a gathering. We are interconnected and supportive of one another. We were aware of ways we have stretched and encouraged each other to try new forms, follow new ideas, and work for justice.
We are painters, musicians, dancers,sculptors, film makers, potters, poets, actors, composers, writers, designers of sacred space, dramatists, any other art form you can imagine, and those who appreciate and support the arts.
The Dominican Institute for the Arts is a grassroots collaboration of sisters, friars, laity and associates of the Order of Preachers. We are committed to preaching through the arts.
ex officio:: Pat Daly OPA
480 Liberty Street
Braintree, MA 02184
Member at large: Membership
Irene Mary Diones OP
43326 Mission Circle
Fremont, CA 04539
Vice President:
John Mascazine OPA.
PO Box 433
Dublin, OH 43017
Website: Send photos, information,inquiries
Newsletters: Send stories, photos,
to Donna Brunell
History here is in photos no text.
exofficio: Joella Miller OP
390 South Scott St.
Adrian, MI 49221
Mary Pat Reid OP,
1 Ryerson Ave.
Caldwell, NJ 07006
Elizabeth Slenker OP
9921 Benson Avenue
St. Ann, MO 63074-3606
At Large:
Nancy Murray OP
821 Vine Street
Adrian MI 49221
At Large:
Mark Hanes OPA
PO Box 433
Dublin, OH 43017
At Large:
Rudolf Lowenstien OP
St. Dominic’s Priory
Southampton Rd
London, England NW5 4LB